Reiki Class

Learning Reiki is amazingly simple, gentle and easy
Anyone can be initiated into Reiki Ryoho and become a Reiki practitioner to heal themselves and others. During the 8-hour beginner’s class, you receive the attunements from Wen, Reiki Master Teacher, and you can start using Reiki for life. You can apply Reiki to yourself, other people, animals, plants, non-living objects, rooms, the environment, and much more. Reiki 2 and 3 will take you to even more profound and powerful level of spiritual realization and deep healing.
Wen has taught hundreds of students and is passionate about sharing this amazing gift from the universe with anyone who is interested in bringing peace, harmony, and well-being into their lives. She teaches small private classes of 2~6 people in both English and Chinese to ensure the highest level of attention to her students.
靈氣療癒認證中文班 簡介 (請點擊下載)
Wen’s Reiki Teaching Lineage: Wen is a trained Komyo ReikiDo Master/teacher and is the forth generation of Usui sensei’s Japanese Reiki lineage. She learned from Huakuten Inamoto sensei, the founder of Komyo ReikiDo, which presents Reiki as it was understood and commonly practiced in the 1920's and 1930’s in Japan. This system places emphasis on spiritual enfoldment through the practice of Reiki Healing Art, aiming for “Satori” or enlightenment.
Please contact Wen for upcoming classes information via email or phone:
Call: 917-304-3660 / Email:
Prerequisite: None
Duration: 8 hours
Shoden means “first of beginning teaching.” The most important principle engaged in class practice and discussion is the existence of life force energy. The focus in the Shoden Degree is on self-heaing, health and happiness. Emphasis is placed on learning non-attachment through hands on practice and self-healing, self-improvement methods. Class is taught over one or two days and four Reiju (attunements) are given.
What students will receive/learn:
• Four (4) Reiju
• Definition, discussion, and explanation of Reiki and Reiki Ryoho (healing art).
• The verifiable history of Usui Reiki Ryoho
• Introduction to and discussion on the Gokai: Reiki Principles and Precepts
• Practice use of Reiki
• Hand Positions for Self Treatments and others
• 21 Day daily self-healing practice and Gassho meditation
Reiki 1 & 2 is offered together as a scheduled weekend class.
Certification ~ All students are given approximately 6 weeks to fulfill the post class assignments prior to graduation and receiving Komyo Reiki Shoden certification.
Prerequisite: Certification in Komyo Reiki Kai Shoden degree
Duration: 8 hours
Chuden means “middle” or “intermediate” teaching.” The focus in the Chuden Degree is on healing others through distant healing and to help the student become more aware of the concept of “Non-duality,” and of their connection to and impact upon the world around them. This is achieved through the practice in the use of shirushi (symbols). Three shirushi (symbols) are given and additional Japanese techniques are taught. Class is taught over one or two days and four Reiju (attunements) are given.
What students will receive/learn:
• Four (4) Reiju
• The meanings, usage, and descriptions of three (of the four) Japanese shirushi (symbols)
and their corresponding jumon (mantras)
• Discussion on how the students may understand their connection to and impact upon
people, nature, the environment, and the world around them.
Certification ~ All students are given approximately 6 weeks to fulfill the post class assignments prior to graduation and receiving Komyo Reiki Chuden certification.
Prerequisite: Certification in Komyo Reiki Kai Chuden degree
Duration: 8 hours
Okuden means “deeper knowledge” or “inner most”. The focus of
this degree is on
the spiritual practice of Reiki Ryoho. It is intended for Teacher candidates and/or Reiki practitioners who want to deepen their understanding of Reiki Ryoho and develop their inner growth. Students explore the inner teachings of Reiki Ryoho through spiritual cultivation and upliftment, and begin to tread on a spiritual path to “Anshin ritsumei” or Satori (enlightenment.) The fourth and final shirushi (symbol) is given along with instructions in its use and meaning. Class may be taught over one or two days. Students receive two Reiju (attunements.)
What students will receive/learn:
• Two (2) Reiju
• The meanings, usage, and descriptions of the forth Japanese shirushi (symbols) and their corresponding jumon (mantras)
• Techniques to help develop the students intuition, knowledge, skill, and understanding that they may begin to tread on the spiritual path leading to “Anshin ritsumei” or Satori (enlightenment.)
Certification ~ All students are given approximately 6 weeks to fulfill the post class assignments prior to graduation and receiving Komyo Reiki Okuden certification.
Training Prerequisite: 1. Certification and practice in Okuden Komyo Reiki at least one year prior to start of teacher training – participants must be pre-approved by instructor. 2. Shihan Candidates must submit a written essay as to shy the student wishes to become a Shihan. 3. Shihan Candidates must complete a written and oral examination.
Duration: 12 hours
Shipiden, or “Mystery Teachings,” is the Teacher Level. It is known in the West as the Master, or sometimes Master-Teacher, Level/Degree. The focus of the Shinpiden level is on sharing the way. After training is completed, the student has the knowledge and experience necessary in order to teach all four degrees and give Reiju (attunements) and training in all levels. No Reiju is given to the student for this degree.
Certification ~ 1. Once training has begun, the student enters an apprenticeship program. The student is expected to participate in frequent Reiki gatherings held by the Shihan and is required to provide proof of re-sitting on a minimum of 2 classes for each Komyo Reiki level as a review and reinforcement of the teachings. 2. Once training is completed, the student is given certification as a fully certified Shihan (Teacher) and may teach all levels of Komyo ReikiDo and initiate other Shihans.